

Thursday 24 June 2010

My Ideal Job

-All people have a dream job in their lives and I´m not the exception. Maybe it has passed a long time, but I hope, finally to find my destinity in this life.

_My ideal job is to work in the university doing research and teaching in the areas of zoology and ecology. I would like to work in University of Chile, because is an excellent university, with outstanding teachers, pluralistic and tolerant.

_I would like to work with the professors Rigoberto Solis and Pedro Cattan, not only because they work in the area of my interest and by their knowledge, not only but also I think that they are good people. Furthermore I would like to work with some classmates too, in similar or different areas working cooperatively.

_I would like to work in this topics, because I like the nature and wildlife,they are subjects interesting and relaxing for me. I admire the nature and I think that humans can learn a lot about it. If you think
great discoveries and inventions have been done observing or studying the nature, for example many drugs from plants or animals.

_Working in these areas would make me happy, because I like the animals and teaching to the new generations,
all this is gratifying for me. I think that I would contribute to my career with this job, generating new knowledge and stimulating to new students learn and value what they do.

_I don´t have problems with the hours and my boss. I´m thinking about doing my job well.

Thursday 17 June 2010

Which is my favourite subject?

_My favourite subject is Veterinary Anatomy. Anatomy is a branch of biology and medicine that is the consideration of the structure of living things. In some of its parts anatomy is closely related to comparative anatomy, that is the study of similarities and differences of arrangement in the distinct systems, between several species, like canine,bovine and equine.

_Anatomy is subdivided in macroscopic anatomy, that is the study of anatomical structures that can be seen with the naked eye and microscopic anatomy, the study of diminutive anatomical structures assisted with microscopes, which includes histology (the study of the organization of tissues),and citology (the study of cells).

_I like both, the classes are OK, with photographs and drawings of the different structures that helps to learn the subject, teachers are good and generally explain the topics, before or during the practical.

_I like Anatomy very much, because I love to learn about of the animals and its structure, besides I interest the various shapes and colors of the samples, I think that are very beautiful, above all, the histology samples.

Friday 11 June 2010

-My favorite website-

_I prefer this website
_The name is MVZ library: Free books and Journals of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science.
_It´s a blog, that offers download free books (Mostly in English and therefore more update) for the career of Veterinary Medicine.
_It has several sections, one very useful is the part of free books in English and Spanish that it´s an index ordered by themes of the books for download(Veterinary Anatomy, Animal Behavior.etc...).
_Another section is search in the blog, it allows quickly to access a book for download.
_Also, it has a chat, where you can to leave your doubts.
_In the central part of the page, it has placed the last books have added to the database.
_Furthermore, in English, there is a part very helpful, its name is Free Journals, where you can access to the last papers of different topics.
_Besides there are another sections; the Forum where you can discuss various themes; Pages with statistics of the blog; Recent Posts where you can see the last publications that have been uploaded to the site; About the Blog, that explains the website´s history.
_Finally, there are a part of contact with the e-mails of web manager for consultations.
_I visit the site frequently, about twice a week.
_I like this page because it gives me the possibility to access update texts about my career. I haven´t sufficient resources for buy a new book, but I believe that you must use responsibly and not profit with the information of this site.

Saturday 8 May 2010

Why I study veterinary medicine?

_I decided to become a veterinarian because I like animals a lot.

_I think it is a very demanding career, but highly satisfactory. You must study a lot of knowledge, however, if you think into future, to study medicine veterinary has multiple job opportunities, between the areas that I like more are, wildlife protection, to work with exotic animals, small animal clinic, zoology and histopathology. Moreover, I like teaching.

_I love “Universidad de Chile”, especially human resources, because, most teachers are close and take time to answer our questions. There are a excellence formation, professors are good researchers and most have postgraduate training.

_Also, I really like the faculty, it has green areas that provide a relaxed atmosphere.

_Overall, I agree that become veterinarian is a big responsibility as we work with animal life, besides, there is also a great social responsibility, veterinarians must educate people about responsible pet ownership.

Thursday 29 April 2010

_A new beginning

Hi, my name is Guillermo and I´m thirty-three years old. Besides I live in Santiago, Chile. I study veterinary medicine at University of Chile. Also I like a lot of things, for example:
_I play Video Games as, "God of War".
_I read some books of J.R. Tolkien, like the Silmarillion.
_I go to the Cinema and I see Movies, such as, "Avatar".Furthermore,I watch films, in DVD at my home.
_ I see Japanese Animation.I´m seeing "SAINT SEIYA:Lost Canvas", this year.
_I play and walk with my dog,its name is "Nikita".
_I listen to music, like "Pink Floyd".

I hope, that with this blog, I can to know a lot of new people and friends, with similar interests.